Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year...

...thank you all for being such amazing examples of support and love throughout this year. It's been a year, I can tell you - a lot of firsts, a lot of mourning, a lot of newness: coupled with new life growing inside me once again - a miracle I didn't know would be possible.

Here I am, sitting here at 11.47pm on the 31st December 2009 - getting ready to post this at 12 o'clock. Thinking about this time - Isobella isn't here yet, but this is still her time. I'm done with cleaning and running about like a headless chicken - for at least the next day!

Random fact I wanted to put down before I forgot: Isobella had a biophysical profile done on Tuesday at which she measured around 7.5lb. During that profile they were looking for at least 30 seconds sustained breathing movement - something she does quite a lot - I feel it from the outside. Well, she wasn't really into doing that - and we waited a long time! I wasn't in the least worried though - since I'd felt it. But, in the middle of watching for her breathing, I asked the tech to go down to see if we could see her face...

Well, there she was, firmly wedged into the bottom of my pelvis - VERY low, and you'll never guess what she was ever so busily doing? Sucking on the wall of my uterus - no fingers involved! Oh yes, she was ever so busy and enthusiastic! Big sucking movements, just going for it - it was so completely sweet! I thought "oh, you're going to be a hungry one on the outside, aren't you?!"

I'd eaten a baked potato with cheese earlier in the day and apparently, the flavors of the foods you eat turn up in the amniotic fluid - so perhaps she's going to be a cheese lover, like me! Anyhow she obviously likes swallowing amniotic fluid because her bladder was hugely full! Ah, the things I don't want to forget!

And now here we are...quietly approaching 2010. It's 11.58pm and I thought for a long time "I would love to go into 2010 holding my baby..." - and she's not here yet. However, she is in my tummy, awake and moving about and so really, I AM holding her after all...

Soon enough, she will come out and I will be holding her in my arms. I can't wait. Bring on 2010...


margaret said...

And we can't wait to meet her Jay. Happy New Year sweet lady. Wishing you the very best for 2010.

Shannon Ryan said...

happy 2010!!!

Cassie said...

Oh my goodness, I had no idea babies did that in there!! SO cute! :) Happy New Years to you both!

Rochelle said...

So many of us are looking forward to you holding her in your arms as well! Happy New Year!

Inanna said...

I am thinking of you and Isobella today.

Unknown said...

Love you all! :) XxX