Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3D Ultrasound comparison...

Here we are - the moment we've all been waiting for (or something - I thought of doing this this morning...)! I am about to compare a few of the 3D ultrasound photos of Bella to...Bella! The pictures here are of her early days, and I've put a photo filter on them so that we can really objectively look at the features, and not be put off by the coloring. Naturally the 3D ultrasound pictures were from 30 weeks - but just look at the similarities to her...

It's really quite amazing - I'm glad, crunchy as I am, that we had this done!

Comparison 1:

Comparison 2:

Comparison 3:

Comparison 4:

There now - wasn't that fun? The next post will be a comparison of Isobella and I as babies... I just got pictures from my mother and you can certainly tell she's my daughter! This comparison stuff is so interesting...


A day in the Life... said...

That is so cute!! I have never had a 3D ultrasound done before, how neat.

Liz said...

this is so neat! i would love to have some done if i am so blessed in the future!

jen said...

amazing! she's really beautiful, jay!

3d ultrasound said...

Anyway, these are very cute pictures! ;) Very exciting!

Unknown said...
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